I did laundry for my lil one...
Just bought a few delivery blankets..can be used as blanket as well. Expert says that thermal blanket /thick blanket or duvet not suitable for newborn which will may suffocating the lil one..

I call it Aymann's Kit... Mama already prepared you Minyak Yu-Yeee Cap Limau, your comb, nail clipper, baby powder and diaper rashes cream... Senang..and mudah..simpan satu tempat..easy to carry for parents who do a lot of travels.... i.e: Mok Tok Hse (Kota Bharu) and Tok Mama Hse (Kota Kinabalu) .. I don't know what to call my MOM because this is her first grandchildren for my family side.. Nenek? (cam tua sangat la pulak cos my nenek still hidup lagi..takut confuse).. Better call Tok Mama la kan.. takde la bunyi tua sangat..ahaha..
Just to let u know, I wanna keep this kit as a tradition as my SIL is also having this kit for her childrens sampai la anak yg ketiga..which is so cute seeing them with their lil kit!
Oh yeah.The kit box was bought from IKEA..you can find it in Children Department. 3 pcs for RM 19.90 . Many colors to choose from. Don't worry. Happy shopping!
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