Monday, February 16, 2009

The Square Huggie Pillow

So crazy&love being surrounded with these pillows and it is always going to be in my "MUST HAVE LIST" in the car, office and home. I have few plain square pillows before and had succesffuly transformed them to a new funky and stylish look. Pic below shows my huggie pillow.


1 m of fabric (The fabric in the pic is from Ikea, price is RM25.90 / metre)

* with 1 metre fabric, you can make 3 pcs medium size square pillow.

Guides to make your own Square pillow:

1.To make your pillow, cut two squares of fabric that are one inch bigger than your finished pillow measurement on each side.

2. Place the two squares so that they are on top each other and so that the brighter side of each square faces the other square's brighter side.

3.Sew around thress sides of the fabric squares, using a half inch seam allowance. (A seam allowance is the measurement from the edge of the fabric to where you want the sewing machine to stitch the fabric)

4.On the fourth side of the squares, sew a third of the way from each side. This leaves you with an open space in the middle of that side. Use that space to turn your pillow ride side out. Finally, you are ready to finish your pillow. Stuff it firmly and then hand stich the opening closed. Now you can repeat the process to make a matching pillow.

The End!

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